Instance 75_06 using the Global Sequencing Constraint
s_l_l_c_gs 178.40 176.00 1.22 1.20
r_e_l_c_gs 181.00 177.00 1.22 1.20
pq_e_m_c_gs 149.20 148.00 1.05 1.05
R_s_m_c_gs 179.20 177.00 1.09 1.07
L_e_m_c_gs 179.80 179.00 1.07 1.06
R_l_m_c_gs 178.00 178.00 1.07 1.06
L_l_m_o_gs 295.20 295.00 2.09 2.08
d_s_m_c_gs 171.80 170.00 1.07 1.06
d_l_l_c_gs 175.60 174.00 1.22 1.20
d_e_l_c_gs 179.80 177.00 1.20 1.19
s_l_m_c_gs 178.20 177.00 1.07 1.06
s_l_m_o_gs -- -- -- --
S_l_l_o_gs -- -- -- --
l_l_l_c_gs 178.40 176.00 1.22 1.21
l_l_m_c_gs 178.40 178.00 1.08 1.06
s_s_l_c_gs 178.40 176.00 1.21 1.19
L_s_l_c_gs 177.00 176.00 1.19 1.17
r_s_l_c_gs 178.40 176.00 1.20 1.19
R_e_m_c_gs 180.00 179.00 1.09 1.07
R_l_l_c_gs 177.80 176.00 1.22 1.19
S_e_m_c_gs 179.20 177.00 1.08 1.06
S_l_m_o_gs -- -- -- --
r_l_l_o_gs 298.80 298.00 2.68 2.67
l_e_m_c_gs 179.60 176.00 1.08 1.07
pq_s_m_c_gs 153.00 151.00 1.12 1.10
pq_l_m_c_gs 152.40 151.00 1.08 1.07
l_l_m_o_gs 298.00 298.00 2.15 2.13
S_e_l_c_gs 177.00 176.00 1.20 1.18
d_l_m_o_gs 301.00 300.00 2.63 2.60
s_l_l_o_gs -- -- -- --
mo_s_m_c_gs 163.80 163.00 1.07 1.06
S_s_l_c_gs 177.00 176.00 1.19 1.18
S_s_m_c_gs 179.20 177.00 1.08 1.06
pq_s_l_c_gs 142.60 141.00 1.16 1.15
r_l_m_c_gs 178.60 178.00 1.07 1.06
s_e_m_c_gs 179.20 176.00 1.07 1.05
R_e_l_c_gs 180.40 177.00 1.22 1.20
L_s_m_c_gs 179.20 177.00 1.07 1.05
pq_l_m_o_gs 272.00 272.00 3.01 2.99
L_e_l_c_gs 180.40 177.00 1.20 1.18
d_s_l_c_gs 181.40 178.00 1.24 1.22
d_e_m_c_gs 176.00 173.00 1.16 1.12
r_e_m_c_gs 179.20 176.00 1.07 1.06
R_l_l_o_gs 300.00 300.00 2.67 2.65
R_l_m_o_gs 298.60 298.00 2.38 2.37
d_l_m_c_gs 176.20 173.00 1.16 1.12
pq_l_l_o_gs 260.00 260.00 3.20 3.18
L_l_l_o_gs 296.00 296.00 2.32 2.31
s_s_m_c_gs 179.20 176.00 1.07 1.05
s_e_l_c_gs 178.40 176.00 1.20 1.18
S_l_l_c_gs 177.80 176.00 1.21 1.19
d_l_l_o_gs 295.00 295.00 2.79 2.77
r_l_l_c_gs 178.40 176.00 1.22 1.21
l_s_m_c_gs 179.00 175.00 1.08 1.07
l_s_l_c_gs 178.40 176.00 1.20 1.19
l_e_l_c_gs 181.00 177.00 1.21 1.21
mo_s_l_c_gs 5538.60 162.00 6.00 1.24
pq_l_l_c_gs 144.60 143.00 1.12 1.11
S_l_m_c_gs 178.40 178.00 1.08 1.06
pq_e_l_c_gs 145.60 144.00 1.17 1.16
r_l_m_o_gs 298.80 298.00 2.42 2.40
L_l_l_c_gs 177.80 176.00 1.22 1.19
L_l_m_c_gs 179.80 179.00 1.07 1.06
r_s_m_c_gs 179.20 176.00 1.07 1.06
l_l_l_o_gs 296.40 296.00 2.34 2.32
R_s_l_c_gs 177.00 176.00 1.20 1.19

Best configurations

['L_e_l_c_gs', 'L_e_m_c_gs', 'L_l_l_c_gs', 'L_l_l_o_gs', 'L_l_m_c_gs', 'L_l_m_o_gs', 'L_s_l_c_gs', 'L_s_m_c_gs', 'R_e_l_c_gs', 'R_e_m_c_gs', 'R_l_l_c_gs', 'R_l_l_o_gs', 'R_l_m_c_gs', 'R_l_m_o_gs', 'R_s_l_c_gs', 'R_s_m_c_gs', 'S_e_l_c_gs', 'S_e_m_c_gs', 'S_l_l_c_gs', 'S_l_m_c_gs', 'S_s_l_c_gs', 'S_s_m_c_gs', 'd_e_l_c_gs', 'd_e_m_c_gs', 'd_l_l_c_gs', 'd_l_l_o_gs', 'd_l_m_c_gs', 'd_l_m_o_gs', 'd_s_l_c_gs', 'd_s_m_c_gs', 'l_e_l_c_gs', 'l_e_m_c_gs', 'l_l_l_c_gs', 'l_l_l_o_gs', 'l_l_m_c_gs', 'l_l_m_o_gs', 'l_s_l_c_gs', 'l_s_m_c_gs', 'mo_s_l_c_gs', 'mo_s_m_c_gs', 'pq_e_l_c_gs', 'pq_e_m_c_gs', 'pq_l_l_c_gs', 'pq_l_l_o_gs', 'pq_l_m_c_gs', 'pq_l_m_o_gs', 'pq_s_l_c_gs', 'pq_s_m_c_gs', 'r_e_l_c_gs', 'r_e_m_c_gs', 'r_l_l_c_gs', 'r_l_l_o_gs', 'r_l_m_c_gs', 'r_l_m_o_gs', 'r_s_l_c_gs', 'r_s_m_c_gs', 's_e_l_c_gs', 's_e_m_c_gs', 's_l_l_c_gs', 's_l_m_c_gs', 's_s_l_c_gs', 's_s_m_c_gs']


Each table represents some statics related to given configuration. A configuration is denoted by A_B_C_D_E where :
  1. A is the selection criteria. We denote by
    • mo : Max option
    • pq : The capacity q\p
    • d : The residual demand
    • l : The load
    • s : The slack
    • r : The usage rate
  2. B is the aggregation function. We denote by
    • l : Lexicographic order
    • s : Sum of the elements
    • e : Euclidean norm
  3. C is the exploration criteria. We denote by
    • l : Lexicographic exploration
    • m : Middle towars sides
  4. D is the Branching parameter. We denote by
    • o : Option
    • c : Class
  5. E is the filtering model. We denote by
    • n : The default model using sum constraints
    • am : The model using the AtMostSeqCard Constraint
    • gs : The model using the Global Sequencing Constraint (GSC)
    • gsam : The model combining AtMostSeqCard+GSC
    • f : The model using the new filtering algorithm